Die Franzosen betreiben auch massive Realitätsverweigerung...
Krisenstab eingesetzt: Atomdesaster in Frankreich nimmt seinen Lauf
Schon krass, wie die Bundeswehr in den letzten Jahrzehnten runtergewirtschaftet wurde.
Lage der Nation - der Politik-Podcast aus Berlin: LdN299 "Ist die Bundeswehr eine Schrott-Armee?"
Eva Högl (Wehrbeauftragte des Deutschen Bundestages) Webseite der Episode: lagedernation.org/podcast/ldn2…
Conduit is a simple, fast and reliable chat server powered by Matrix. Conduit is an alternative to Synapse and tries to be lightweight and easy to install, but it is still in development.conduit.rs
Sprachnachrichten gibt es aber auch bei XMPP /o\. Und auch Voice & Video Calls. Es wird wohl auch grad an Video Group Calls gearbeitet...
Für Familie und Freunde bietet sich Snikket als XMPP Server an und löst auch das Problem mit IOS/Android Apps.
Die Ferengi wollen sich mal wieder nicht an Koalitions-Absorachen halten!
Lindners Vertragsbruch: Ausverkauf öffentlichen Eigentums stoppen! | WeAct weact.campact.de/petitions/ver…
The API /account/verify_credentials shows an http error page "Unauthorized" when the password is wrong. I think it should return a JSON accoring to /help/api. Was that changed lately?
In the latest GWO Podcast the author struggles to understand the concept of KActivities. Just as almost every @KDE user, I guess...
GNU World Order Linux Cast: gnuWorldOrder_456
Mediendatei: gnuworldorder.info//audiophile…
#Librem5 daily driver challenge
Wow! Gnome Weather with nice overview and data provided by my favorite meteorological institute ☺
Habe gerade unterschrieben, weiss nicht, ob es was bringt...😟
I published a new version of Friendiqa, a mobile and Desktop app for Friendica (more info at friendiqa.ma-nic.de ).
The latest version fixes a bug for replies in Friendica 3/2022 . The image download from the gallery works again - yay!
There are also some additional emojis.
You need to remove your account and add it again, because the newsitem id changed in the API in Friendica 03/2022.
The app is available for Android, Linux (Arch Linux and a x86 Flatpak) and Linux Mobile (arm64 Flatpak).
Additional stuff from v0.6.4, if you missed that one:
* Search for new contacts (hashtags, names)
* Filter contacts
* many new emojis
* Rebuild contacts handling due to buggy Contacts API
* Removed permissions for new messages due to buggy Contacts API
* Sync all accounts in background (not only active)
As texted inside the Issue:
It depends on the used extension for the call.
returns a JSON error,/api/v1/accounts/verify_credentials
doesn't.But it's like Twitter expects it as well.
api.twitter.com/1.1/account/ve… (empty page)
api.twitter.com/1.1/account/ve… (JSON Error)