Marco R. friendica

Friendiqa and Google Play Store

Hello @Friendica Developers ! My new version of the Friendiqa Android app was rejected by the Play Store. According to them, the app

"MUST have the following features/functionalities:

  • Provide an in-app system for reporting objectionable UGC and users:
    • Allows users to report/flag potential violating content.
    • Allows users to report/flag other users for potential violations.
  • Provide an in-app system for blocking objectionable UGC and users:
    • Allows users to remove/block potential violating content.
    • Allows users to remove/block other users for potential violations.

I found an API for Blocking an account in the Mastodon API, but there is no API for reporting UGC (user generated content) and users. And I don't know how to block potential violating content. Is something in that direction in the works?

Funny thing is, the test account for them is following the Tagesschau bot and the objectionable content was either a report on the German team in WM in Quatar or a comment with the hashtag BoycottQatar2022. I wonder which one they found objectionable...

Hypolite Petovan friendica (via ActivityPub)
@Marco R. A couple months ago@Michael Vogel announced his intentions to add support for moderation reports in the upcoming version, but I haven't heard anything from him since I offered my help. We need to agree on the features first, this isn't something we can independently work on.
Marco R. friendica
Yes, no need for fancy stuff. Just the basic things to get into the Play Store.
Hypolite Petovan friendica (via ActivityPub)
@Michael Vogel Yes, but based on what? Have you started thinking about what the feature would be like, even before thinking about what it would look like? Or are you entirely deferring that part to us?
Hypolite Petovan friendica (via ActivityPub)
@Michael Vogel Either we talk about the structure first, or I wait for you to finish your part, but there will be no parallel work without concertation first.
Hypolite Petovan friendica (via ActivityPub)
@Michael Vogel Ok, I'll wait for you to submit your data model. My main gripe is to have to add a new page to vier but I'll get over it.
Marco R. friendica
According to the docs the API endpoint /API/v1/report is still unsupported.