Fedilab Apps mastodon (AP)
Our update on Google has finally been rejected.

Google asks us to provide credentials because #Fedilab cannot be used without them.

We appealed from this decision. It is technically not possible because login form is through a browser and not through the app. Also, there is no solution to specify the instance in their process.

We will keep you informed.
Marco R. friendica
I provided the instance name in the comment field and my APP was approved.
Fedilab Apps mastodon (AP)
Not pretty sure that's for the same reasons. Currently, our update is rejected for not giving credentials to a test account for their bot. But I am pretty sure that updates for other Fediverse apps will be impacted. Cc @ConnyDuck
Fedilab Apps mastodon (AP)
Could you join us on our Matrix room so we can discuss about it?